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Come join us for a free lunch to meet our club members, learn something new and see how Rotary can benefit you. Within our club are nearly 100 community-minded leaders from a variety of professions. We value always learning something
new, connecting with other professionals, having fun and taking action to improve our community and the world. The Rotary Club of Norfolk, which dates to 1914, is one of the oldest and largest service clubs in Virginia.
Here are a few benefits of being a Rotary Club of Norfolk member:
You will gain a large network of caring, well-connected professionals from Hampton Roads. "Everywhere I go I know someone because of Rotary," one newer members says.
You will learn something new and be in-the-know about what is going on in southeastern Virginia. "Each week when I go back to the office, my colleagues ask me what I learned at Rotary," one club officer says.
You will become part of something bigger than yourself. "I like helping at the foodbank and other local nonprofits but also knowing that because I am a Rotarian I am helping bring clean water and cure polio in other parts of the world," a long-time member says.
Here are a two questions to help you decide if our Rotary Club is right for you:
Do you want to belong to a large community of engaged citizens who value "service above self"? This concept is central to becoming a Rotarian.
Can you commit to being an active Rotarian? We meet three times a month for lunch and an excellent speaker on Tuesdays from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. at Town Point Club (101 W. Main St., Suite 300, Norfolk, VA 23510). In addition, there are an array of community service, social and educational opportunities to choose from monthly. We hope you can attend at least two meetings or activities each month.
Historically, Rotary had an attendance requirement and members would "make-up" meetings by attending another Rotary Club or participating in a community service project. After our club voted in 2014 to be an "innovative and flexible club," we dropped the attendance requirement. Even without the requirement, it is fun to visit another Rotary Club in the United States or abroad. Rotary International's network of service clubs is in 200-plus countries makes visiting another club and connect with Rotarians no matter where you are in the world easy. Clubs can be located through the Rotary Club locator app through the Apple Store, the Google Play store or clicking here.