Rotary Club of Norfolk
Here are a few facts about our club:
- We meet three times a month on Tuesdays for lunch from 12:00-1:30 at the Town Point Club to enjoy each other, share a meal and learn something new from an interesting speaker.
- Each month we have an array of optional service opportunities, socials, and field trips you can attend.
- We are among the oldest and largest service clubs in Virginia.
- Our club gives you the opportunity to always be in the know by attending a regional "Ted Talk" each week to learn something new.
- Optional hands-on community service projects let us accomplish something to enhance our region -- sorting food at the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia, planting at Norfolk Botanical Garden, or improving our environment on Clean the Bay Day.
- In 2015 we started Suds & Buds, a fun spring party at Norfolk Botanical Garden that raises funds for our club, the garden, and a third charity that rotates each year. In 2018 raised in excess of $40,000 for the three beneficial charities. The third charity in 2018 was Young Audiences of Virginia. For 2019 it was Lee's Friends, which helps people living with cancer. Due to Covid, we did not hold Suds & Buds in 2020 and 2021. The third charity in 2022 was Primeplus Senior Center, in 2023 Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters, and in 2024 Special Olympics Chesapeake.
- We celebrated our club's 100th anniversary in 2014 and raised $100,000 to create Rotary Smiles to buy dentures for low-income citizens, put computer labs in two Title I Norfolk elementary schools, and support the Calvert Square Boys & Girls Club.
- We support Rotary projects around the globe, such as ending polio and malaria and bringing clean water to communities where it is scarce.
- In 1992 our club started its own charitable endowment, which now exceeds $525,000. The endowment enables us to support a variety of community needs in southeastern Virginia -- helping dozens of nonprofits in recent years.
To learn more about us, please join us for a free lunch or check our calendar of events for an activity to attend.
Questions? Contact us at