The Rotary Club of Norfolk started in 1914 as the third Rotary Club in Virginia. We were the 114th out of more than 34,000 Rotary Cubs around the globe. Today 40 Rotary Clubs in Virginia and North Carolina can trace their heritage to our club, whose members helped start them in various communities.
Our club has a rich history of service in the city of Norfolk, Virginia. In its first century, our club members have:
- started Norfolk's first boys' and girls' club
- spearheaded toy and book drives for low-income children
- painted houses for citizens needing home improvements,
- pioneered in building oyster reefs to help revive area rivers
- led literacy programs that provided children with free books
- started a program to provide dentures for low-income people with sever dental problems
- put computer labs in Title I schools in Norfolk
In 2014 we celebrated our club's centennial year with special events, service projects and a look at our history as our club members set their sights on the next century of service.
To read high points in our club's history, click on the file to the left.